Create now a stylish and super informative blog with Noor WordPress Theme and
share the latest news and your thoughts with the whole world.
[/text][button text=”BUY NOOR NOW” type=”stroke” size=”big” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”di_white” float=”center” target=”blank” lightbox=”” animation=”transition.fadeIn” delay=”800″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
NOOR has clean and practical design, focusing the reader’s attention on what is truly important: the content. Blog followers will enjoy an online experience that is second to none.
The ease and amount of options to choose from will surely make your blog stand out from the crowd. First impressions matter, and no one can deliver as graceful and stylish a first impression for a blogging website as NOOR can!
[/text][button text=”VISIT BLOG” type=”stroke” size=”large” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”” float=”start” target=”blank” lightbox=”” animation=”transition.fadeIn” delay=”600″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][dima_spacer screen_all_spacer_size=”120″ screen_xld_resolution=”1600″ screen_xld_spacer_size=”120″ screen_ld_resolution=”1400″ screen_ld_spacer_size=”120″ screen_md_resolution=”1170″ screen_md_spacer_size=”120″ screen_sd_resolution=”969″ screen_sd_spacer_size=”0″ screen_xsd_resolution=”480″ screen_xsd_spacer_size=”0″ id=”” class=””]
the ad widget[/iconbox_content][/iconbox]
The modern look of Noor theme is the perfect solution for various industry websites. From travel to fashion and everything in between, Noor brings beauty and unique designs combined with quality performance and stability to any type of blog.
[/text][iconbox align=”start” animation=”transition.slideLeftBigIn” delay=”400″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-pencil” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=””][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=””]
Noor keeps things simple and minimal so your
content can do the talking.
[/iconbox_content][/iconbox][clear by=”5px” id=”” class=””][iconbox align=”start” animation=”transition.slideLeftBigIn” delay=”600″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-files” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=””][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=””]
Choose from five different posts layout
styles and two different element hover styles
[/iconbox_content][/iconbox][clear by=”5px” id=”” class=””][iconbox align=”start” animation=”transition.slideLeftBigIn” delay=”600″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-blog” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=””][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=””]
Display your latest, featured or most popular
posts in the beginning of your blog page with the help of
big grid element.
Noor has been outfitted with a series of options, styles, layouts and widgets that make your website a natural at blogging, with dedicated features and tons of custom post types, incredibly capacity for visual and experiential customization, and much more under the surface.
Post details can be as unique as you want you can also keep a similar look throughout every post you create. The post details page has the ability to be customized via Blog Page Options.
[/text][iconbox align=”start” animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”400″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][iconbox_header icon_type=”svgicon” icon_svg=”stroke-like” delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=””][iconbox_content delay=”” delay_duration=”” delay_offset=”” title=””]
With NOOR you can specify which categories to show on a certain page and you can create an unlimited number of different posts.
Noor has great SEO performance assure the placing of your project pages
highly on the relevant rankings.
The Accelerated Mobile Pages project enables the creation of websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms.
Web pages in the AMP format load near instantly, giving users a smooth, more engaging experience on mobile and desktop.
[/text][button text=”VIEW AMP DEMO” type=”stroke” size=”large” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”” float=”start” target=”blank” lightbox=”” animation=”transition.fadeIn” delay=”600″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
Noor have fully embraced hand-held devices, and they allow users to craft mobile-friendly sites. Your pages will seamlessly adapt to any screen size, web browser, or operating system.
[/text][button text=”CHECK THE TEST” type=”stroke” size=”large” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”” float=”start” target=”blank” lightbox=”” animation=”transition.fadeIn” delay=”600″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]
Control the placement of the advertisement without any third party plugin, you can choose the position from the customizer, widget or a special shortcode for such feature.
[/text][list type=”check” animation=”transition.slideRightBigIn” delay=”400″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” id=”” class=”” style=””][list_item id=”” class=”” style=””]
Add custom ads or Ads shortcode via the customizer with the ability to activate ad block detector.
[/list_item][list_item id=”” class=”” style=””]
Three widget styles for custom banner size, 125 x 125 banner size, and for Adsense Code
[/list_item][list_item id=”” class=”” style=””]
Banner shortcode allow you to control the style of your advertisement.
a professional design[/custom_heading][button text=”BUY NOOR NOW” type=”stroke” size=”big” shape=”dima-btn-no-rounded” color_class=”di_white” float=”center” target=”blank” lightbox=”” animation=”transition.fadeIn” delay=”400″ delay_duration=”700″ delay_offset=”” href=”” title=”” popup_content=”” id=”” class=”” style=””]